Monday, April 21, 2008

FREE Body Wash at CVS (4/20-4/26)

This is a monthly Extra Care Bucks deal (so it is good until the end of the month). Sorry this is late, but I haven't been doing CVS for awhile.

Buy Softsoap Spa Body Wash 12oz $4.99
Get $4.99 in Extra Care Bucks (money to use on your next purchase)
= FREE (There is a limit of 5 so you can roll over your ECB's into your next purchase and have zero out of pocket.)

If you have coupons, USE: Softsoap Body Wash, any excluding 2 oz. size $1/1 (4-26-08) SS-3/30 to get $1.00 overage.

(If you are ever paying for your items with extra bucks and you also have coupons for all the items, throw in something cheap like a candy bar and everything should go through fine.)

Supposedly, the 18 oz Softsoap Spa (5.49) is generating 5.49 in extra bucks with a limit of 5. So you can get 10 bottles of body wash for free! (I haven't tried this yet, so I'm not positive.) ~ This is only good THIS week.


Unknown said...

The 18oz Softsoap does work, and it was a limit of 5. It kicked back all of the ECB's. Even better- we got more coupons for them in our Sunday Paper!

Allison said...

Yep! I got some on Friday and it worked great! I just wish I could find some stores with the 12 oz. By the way, try saying "Soft Soap Spa" 10 times fast! I had the hardest time when I was calling stores to find it!